CorrigoService - Web Service

Click here for a complete list of operations.


Uses a query expression to retrieve CorrigoNet entities. Takes single parameter which specifies either a QueryExpression or a QueryByProperty object derived from the QueryBase class. This is the query to be executed for an entity. Returns a collection of entities of the type specified in the query parameter. If the query specified returned no results, an empty collection is returned. Use this method to retrieve one or more entity instances based on criteria specified in the input parameter.


The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /wsdk/CorrigoService.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <CorrigoNetOptions xmlns="">
      <LockOnDataRetrieval>Default or ReadUncommitted or ReadCommitted or Snapshot</LockOnDataRetrieval>
    <RetrieveMultiple xmlns="">
        <EntityType>TaxCode or InvoiceDictionaryItem or BillingAccount or WorkOrder or Location or Address or Customer or Invoice or InvoiceLine or CorporateEntity or GLAccount or Payment or PaymentItem or Employee or WorkZone or Space or Task or Disposition or WoItem or CustomFieldDescriptor or CustomField or Organization or Contact or TimePeriod or Specialty or WorkOrderType or CustomerNoteType or RepairCode or AttributeDescriptor or WoActionReasonLookup or WoPriority or WoLastAction or WoNote or Actor or ContactAddress or Address2 or ContactInfo or CustomField2 or Note or WorkOrderCost or WoAssignment or WoOnSite or WoActionLog or WoVerification or WoActionLogProp or FinancialItem or WoQuote or WoEquipment or Blob or DocumentType or Document or Product or LaborCode or WpTree or WoEstimate or ToDoItem or LinkCustomerAndGroup or LinkContactAndGroup or AssetInfo or PmSchedule or PmItem or Contract or TaxRegion or TaxRegionItem or PriceList or PriceListItem or ChargeCodeLookup or CustomFieldOption or Model or LinkUserAndSpecialty or LinkUserAndCustomerGroup or LinkUserAndWorkZone or LinkUserAndPortfolio or LinkUserAndTeam or UserPayRate or UserCertification or LinkUserAndStockLocation or LinkProviderPriceList or LinkProviderAndService or Role or AlertScope or AlertSubscription or AssetTree or AttributeOption or Team or LinkTeamAndWorkZone or LinkPortfolioAndWorkZone or BusinessHours or Holiday or SpecDispatchRule or EscalationRule or OnCallRule or Responsibility or Warranty or AssetAttribute or SpecialtyMoneyValues or ContactMoneyValues or TaskMoneyValues or UserPayRateMoneyValues or RoleMoneyValues or Portfolio or AssetTemplate or AssetSystem or ProductCategory or LinkProductAndSupplier or ProductMoneyValues or ApInvoiceStatus or TimeCardWeek or TimeCard or TimeCardItem or ProviderCoi or ResponsibilityType or ToDoType or ApprovalTemplateStep or ApprovalTemplate or ProcedureTemplateStep or ProcedureFlagReason or ProcedureTemplate or WoProcedureStep or WoProcedure or StockLocation or ReplenishmentOrder or ReplenishmentOrderItem or ApprovalScope or CustomFieldAutocompleteOption or TimeOff or SlaValuesOverride or Turn or LinkModelAndAttribute or BillToOption or PrintoutTemplate or InvoiceLog or QuoteOrEstimateItem or MaterialTransaction or MaterialTransactionItem or StockLocationInventoryDetails or InternalCostStatus or WoFlag or ProcedureCategory or LinkProcedureCategoryAndTemplate or LinkProductAndQtyAttribute or RequiredDocCategory or WorkTemplate or Proposal or WorkOrderCostCategory or WoSchedule or RcsCircuit or RcsAction or RcsCylinder or LinkCommunityAndRcsCylinder or LinkEmployeeAndRcsCylinder or RcsLeakRateLog or BlackoutDay</EntityType>
        <PropertySet />
            <OrderType>Ascending or Descending</OrderType>
            <OrderType>Ascending or Descending</OrderType>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <RetrieveMultipleResponse xmlns="">